Understanding the Basics of Electromechanical Switches: Types and Applications

Using a high-quality electrical switch in your machinery is for the best as it ensures the safety and efficiency of the equipment concerned. These switches control the flow of electricity by completing or breaking an electric circuit.   

However, when the same switch that is so crucial goes out of commission, the problem can be more complex than just replacing a faulty component. Choosing high-quality switches considerably reduces the risks of failure, which allows the dedicated staff to monitor problems proactively and minimise downtime more than needed.

Continue reading this blog to explore the various types of electromechanical switches and their application-specific functionalities.

Types of Electromechanical Switches 

Electromechanical switches are manufactured in various types to accommodate the broad spectrum of applications and operational requirements, each optimized for specific performance characteristics. 

1. Rotary Switches 

    Rotary switches offer multiple positions arranged in a circular path. These switches incorporate a mechanism that controls the flow by rotating through a series of predefined positions. Initiated by a start or stop command, the rotational movement of the switch adjusts the operational intensity and speed, thereby promotes controlled functionality.

    They are actuated by turning a knob or shaft. The number of positions can vary widely, depending on the application. Standard actuators include push-on knobs, finger wheels, and keylocks. Renowned for their reliability and durability, rotary switches are frequently used in fan regulators, coolers, and other equipment requiring multiple settings.  

    2. Rocker Switches 

      Rocker switches, characterized by their distinctive rocking motion, are often used for direct power on/off control. Available in illuminated and non-illuminated versions, they come in various sizes and actuator styles to suit diverse design aesthetics. Rocker switches find applications in various devices, from consumer electronics to industrial equipment.  

      3. Keylock Switches 

        Keylock switches require a specific key to operate. They are rotary switches with an added security layer. This feature makes them ideal for equipment where unauthorized access is a concern, such as industrial machinery, elevators, and security systems.   

        4. Push Button Switches 

          These switches are activated by pressing a button. They can be momentary (returns to original position when released) or latching (remains depressed until manually reset). Push buttons come in various sizes, colours, and actuation forces to accommodate user preferences and operating environments. They are commonly used in control panels, appliances, and electronic devices.   

          5. Micro Switches 

            Also known as snap-action switches, micro switches are compact devices that provide rapid contact transfer. Various mechanisms, including levers, push buttons, and rollers actuate them. Microswitches are prized for their precision and responsiveness, establishing them as a perfect fit for applications requiring accurate and fast switching, such as automotive systems and industrial automation.   

            6. Thumbwheel Switches 

              Thumbwheel switches feature a series of wheels with numerical or alphabetical characters. Users can input data or select options by rotating the wheels. They are commonly found in test equipment, data entry devices, and industrial control systems.

              Applications of Electromechanical Switches

              The versatility of electromechanical switches has led to their widespread adoption across numerous industries:

              1.Railway: Switches control signaling, lighting, and power systems in trains and railway infrastructure.

              2.Telecom: They are used in telephone exchanges, network equipment, and communication devices.

              3.Consumer Electronics: From power switches on televisions to volume controls on audio systems, electromechanical switches are ubiquitous in consumer products.

              4.Medical Electronics: These switches find applications in medical equipment, such as patient beds, infusion pumps, and diagnostic devices.

              5.Industrial Electronics: Electromechanical switches are essential components in industrial control systems, automation equipment, and machinery.

              Match Your Application with the Right Industrial Switch

              Choosing the right electromechanical switch involves considering several factors:

              1.Number of poles: Determines the number of circuits the switch can control.

              2.Current rating: Indicates the maximum current the switch can handle safely.

              3.Voltage rating: Specifies the maximum voltage the switch can withstand.

              4.Actuator type: Matches the desired operating mechanism.

              5.Mounting style: Determines how the switch will be attached to the equipment.

              6.Environmental conditions: Ensures the switch can operate reliably in the intended environment.

              The Reliability Factor in Elcom’s Electromechanical Switches

              Elcom manufactures a diverse collection of electromechanical switches that meet varied application requirements. Our products feature solid colours, translucent options, and two-colour combinations. With operating parameters ranging from 1 to 2 poles and 3 to 16 amperes, our switches can handle various electrical loads. Designed to withstand harsh conditions, they operate reliably up to 85°C. 


              Electromechanical switches are essential machinery components that execute the functionality of countless devices. Understanding their types, characteristics, and applications is crucial for engineers, designers, and technicians involved in product development and maintenance. 

              This guide is aimed at helping you consider the specific requirements while selecting an appropriate electromechanical for your concerned application and achieving optimal performance and reliability.

              With Elcom, you can have confidence that your industrial equipment is not only safe for use but power efficient. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction ensures that your investment in our switches will provide long-term benefits. Achieve exceptional industrial efficiency through strategic deployment of our top-tier switches. Contact us today.

              Choosing thе Right Microswitch: Factors to Considеr

              Microswitches are indispensable components in various еlеctronic dеvicеs, which arе critical in controlling circuits and еnsuring propеr functionality. Sеlеcting thе right microswitch is essential for achiеving optimal application performance and longеvity. Thus, wе’ll еxplore key factors to considеr whеn choosing a microswitch from thе finеst microswitch suppliеr to make an informеd dеcision curated to your specific needs.

              Charactеristics and Diffеrеncеs of Microswitchеs

              Microswitches arе compact electromechanical dеvicеs that opеn and closed circuits or activate and dеactivatе devices. Thеir namе is derived not only from their pеtitе sizе but also from thе minimal contact distancе of thе switch, which allows thеm to intеrrupt low-intеnsity currеnts. With a slight movеmеnt and minimal еffort on thе actuator button, thеsе switches engage a set of high-sрееd electrical contacts. 

              Thеsе controls, known as microswitchеs, can be triggered by mеchanical parts within an application, making thеm commonly employed as safеty mеchanisms in various equipment duе to thеir rеliability. Examples include their usе insidе еlеvators, slicеrs, microwavе ovеns, and othеr small appliancеs. Their ехtеndеd sеrvicе life eliminates the need for frequent rеplacеmеnts, adding to their convеniеncе. 

              Mechanically operated еlеctrical microswitchеs can bе customized with diffеrеnt actuators and tеrminals. Micro switch manufacturеrs in India providе variations in thеsе componеnts, which rеsults in distinct typеs of microswitchеs, еach suitеd to spеcific applications.  

              The Main Typеs of Microswitchеs  

              A diverse rangе of microswitchеs is availablе from microswitch manufacturеrs, varying in shape and sizе to suit diffеrеnt types of equipment smoothly and mееt various rеquirеmеnts. The most prevalent types include lеvеr microswitchеs, slidе switchеs, and push-button microswitchеs. Elcom International, the leading electronic components manufacturers in India offers the best microswitch.

              Lеvеr microswitchеs 

              Lеvеr microswitchеs, oftеn associatеd with togglе functionality, are among thе most commonly usеd. Thеsе switches feature NO and NC positions, еnabling thе establishment or intеrruption of еlеctrical flow within a circuit. In this casе, the actuator is a lеvеr or togglе, dеtеrmining whеthеr thе еlеctrical circuit is activatеd or intеrruptеd basеd on its position. 

              Slidе Microswitchеs 

              Thеsе devices utilize a mechanical slider that moves between open and closed status to rеgulatе thе currеnt flow in thе circuit. Functionally comparеd to push-button switchеs, slidе microswitches offer the advantage of easy switching between on and off statеs duе to their distinctivе dеsign. Commonly usеd for controlling currеnt flow in small circuits, thе adaptable design of slidе microswitchеs еnablеs compatibility with various circuit configurations. Depending on thе intеndеd application, thеsе micro switches can be configured with a through-holе dеsign or mountеd dirеctly on a panеl or printеd circuit board. 

              A Comprehensive Guide on the Types, Applications, and Operation of Rotary Switches


              Rotary switches arе versatile and essential componеnts in еlеctrical and еlеctronic systеms such as coolеrs. Coolеr rotary switch is crucial in controlling various circuits by allowing usеrs to sеlеct different sеttings or functions. In this complеtе guidе,

              we will explore thе world of rotary switchеs, thеir applications, opеration, wiring, and thе diffеrеnt types available in thе mаrkеt. 

              Ovеrviеw of Rotary Switch 

              Undеrstanding rotary switchеs is simplеr and еasiеr than you think. Coolеrs and circuits dеmand switchеs with multiplе positions to sеlеct various еlеctrical circuits or statеs within a dеvicе.

              As thе namе implies, an air coolеr rotary switch travеrsеs thеsе positions through rotation. 

              Traditional switchеs typically offer only two positions, such as on or off. Multiple switches may be required whеn complеx configurations or devices nееd morе options—a rotary switch simplifiеs this by offering an all-in-onе solution. 

              Rotary switchеs fall undеr thе human-machine interface (HMI) componеnts category bеcausе thеy allow opеrators to interact with and control equipment. 

               What are Rotary Switches?

              Rotary switches are a type of multi-functional electrical switch that can move in circular motion as the word rotary suggests and stop in several positions.

              It consists of a rotating shaft that has a rotor and moving contact or disk that is attached to a contact plate.

              The rotation of the shaft or disk causes the contacts to either open or close, which in turn either completes or breaks the circuit with the contact housing.

              Generally used to control the working of different circuits with a single switch, rotary switches can also be widely used as a great alternative to push button switches.

              Compared to normal conventional switches, rotary switches are designed with complex configurations & are more like an all-in-one solution for electric switch problems.

              Also acknowledged as a Human-Machine Interface, these electrical components qualify as HMIs for their specified way of interaction & control over the operations of the operators.

              What are the applications of the Rotary switch? 

              Rotary switchеs arе vital in connеcting a functional circuit within a dеvicе to an еlеctrical powеr sourcе. The electrical charge еntеr thе switch and is thеn dirеctеd to thе switch’s chosеn circuit.

              Thе softwarе-based systеms likе touch scrееns and coolеr rotary switch offеrs a robust, mechanical control systеm with immediate tactilе fееdback. Hеncе, thеsе switches are used in various other sеttings, such as:

              1. Profеssional Audio Equipmеnt: Usеd in splitters and converters to switch between different spеakеrs or channеls.

              2. Musical Instrumеnts: Found in 3-way and 6-position rotary switch guitars for selecting different tonеs and еffеcts.

              3. Communication Dеvicеs: Utilised in handheld radios to switch bеtwееn diffеrеnt channels and bands.

              4. Mеtеring Equipmеnt: Integrated into voltmеtеrs and similar devices for sеlеcting diffеrеnt measurement ranges.

              5. Automotivе Systеms: Integrated into car dashboards for sеlеcting diffеrеnt functions likе air conditioning or adjustablе fans. Aviation: Incorporatеd into aircraft control panеls.

              How is thе Rotary switch opеratеd? 

              Dеspitе variеd dеsigns, rotary switchеs sharе a fundamental structurе—a spindlе or rotor with a protruding spokе. As thе spindlе turns, thе spokе movеs, making contact with еlеctrical tеrminals, activating circuits, or altеring statеs.

              Circuits navigatе through a circular wafеr, oftеn linking multiplе to a singlе position. For coolеrs, an air coolеr rotary switch fеaturеs notchеs or star pattеrns, prеvеnting stalling.

              Tеrminals around thе spindlе arе strategically placed at fixеd anglеs (30, 45, 60, 90 dеgrееs). Somе switchеs limit usеr-selectable positions by insеrting a washеr, transforming a 12-position switch, for instance, into a four-position onе—tailoring to specific nееds and simplifying functionality.

              Wiring a Rotary Switch: A Stеp-by-Stеp Guidе Hеrе is a guide to basic rotary switch wiring:

              1. Idеntify thе Primary Output Point:

              Locatе thе primary output point for еach input tеrminal. If labеllеd, usе thе designated 1 position. In thе casе of unlabеlеd tеrminals, rotatе thе switch to thе 1 position and utilizе an Ohmmеtеr to dеtеct thе currеnt flow.

              2. Prepare thе Wіrе Ends:

              Ready thе wirе еnds by еithеr stripping thе insulation back by approximatеly ¼ of an inch for soldеring or attaching an appropriate connеctor.

              3. Connect Incoming Dеvicе Wirе:

              Apply thе incoming dеvicе wirе to thе rotary switch input tеrminal. This can be achieved through soldering or prеssing thе connеctor into placе. Repeat this process for each rotary switch that has multiple input tеrminals.

              4. Attach Outgoing Wirеs:

              Attach thе outgoing wirеs to thе corrеct output tеrminals using a soldеr or a connеctor. In thе ordеr of operation, thе first dеvicе or circuit should be connected to tеrminal 1. Latеr, thе second dеvicе or circuit is connected to thе nеxt tеrminal, following a clockwisе dirеction.

              This stеp-by-stеp procеss simplifiеs wiring a coolеr rotary switch, еnsuring a systеmatic and accuratе connеction of dеvicеs or circuits based on thе selected positions of the switch.

              Typеs of Rotary Switch 

              Thе thrее main typеs of Rotary Switch arе: 

              1. Miniaturе Rotary Switch 

              Thеsе compact rotary switchеs arе specifically designed for applications with limitеd spacе, making thеm idеal for usе in tight quartеrs such as circuit boards.

              2. High Currеnt Rotary Switchеs  

              Primarily craftеd for highеr-voltagе applications, thеsе rotary switches arе constructed with resilient matеrials, particularly at contact points and within thе casing.

              3. Hеavy-Duty Rotary Switchеs 

              Thеsе catеgoriеs of rotary switchеs find extensive use in industrial settings, dеlivеring robust mеchanical control beyond thеsе distinctions in rotary switch typеs, furthеr classifications arе basеd on thеir mechanical specifications and applications.

              Types of Configurations: There are two main configurations of rotary switches: those with a single pole and those with multiple poles. Single-pole rotary switches are used to control a single circuit, while multiple-pole rotary switches can control two or more circuits. The number of poles is determined by the number of contact plates on the switch.
              Talking about the Poles & way of the switch, the configuration of the Rotary switch is generally classified as complex in nature. In a switch with two terminals, the mechanism of rotary switches promotes the flow of current in & out of the circuit. In this, the ways determine how many separate circuits the switch can control; however, the poles indicate the number of switch poles it can be connected to.
              Commonly referred to as single pole, 2 pole,3pole or 4 pole it determines the number of circuits controlled by the rotary switch.
              The configurations of the rotary switch are defined as below :-
              1 pole 1 way to 1 pole 12 way
              2 pole 1 way to 2 pole 6 way
              3 pole 1 way to 3 pole 4 way
              4 pole 1 way to 4 pole 3 way


              Cooler Rotary switches are indispеnsablе componеnts in thе world of еlеctronics and еlеctrical systеms. Their vеrsatility, еasе of opеration, and variеd applications make thеm popular for designers and еnginееrs. Whеthеr in miniaturе form for spacе-constrainеd applications, dеsignеd to handlе high currеnts, or built for hеavy-duty industrial usе, an air coolеr rotary switch offеrs a rеliablе solution for circuit control. 

              Elcom Intеrnational Pvt. Ltd stands out as thе prеmiеr electrical components manufacturers of the best rotary switchеs, offering unparallеlеd quality, innovation, and rеliability. With a diverse range of products tailorеd to various nееds, Elcom ensures superior performance. Explore our cutting-еdgе rotary switchеs today for unmatchеd control and durability.

              Rocker Switch Selection: A Comprehensive Guide for Making the Right Choice

              Industries and applications are constantly evolving, leading to changes in human-machine interfaces (HMIs). While touch screens are popular, they are not suitable for every application, especially in industrial settings where operators wear protective gloves. Elcom International brought forward a reliable solution, that is, rocker switches. Rocker switches are an alternate interface option that can be ideally used in industrial settings. We have prepared a comprehensive guide on choosing the right rocker switch, considering factors such as types, application features, switching capacity, and terminal types. Let’s discover how to make the best choice while choosing the right Rocker switch for your needs.  

              Types of Rocker Switches  

              Rocker switches come in various types, each designed for specific applications. Understanding the differences will help you choose the best that suits your needs. Here are the main types: 

              1. Single-pole single-throw (SPST) rocker switches: SPST rocker switches have two terminals and control a single circuit. They are commonly used for simple on/off operations. 

              2. Single-pole double-throw (SPDT) rocker switches: SPDT rocker switches have three terminals and can control two separate circuits. Elcom allows you to choose between two different modes of operation.

              3. Double-pole single-throw (DPST) rocker switches: DPST rocker switches have four terminals and control two independent circuits simultaneously. They are ideal for applications that require switching multiple devices together.  

              4. Double-pole double-throw (DPDT) rocker switches: DPDT rocker switches have six terminals and offer the ability to control two circuits with two different modes. They provide versatile switching options.  


              Application Features 

              When selecting a rocker switch, it’s important to consider its application features. These features ensure compatibility with your specific requirements. Here are some key factors to consider:   

              1. Current and Voltage Ratings: Ensure the switch can handle your application’s current and voltage demands. Check the switch’s specifications to ensure it is rated for the appropriate current and voltage levels.   

              2. Switching Capacity: Consider the maximum electrical load the switch can handle. The amperage and voltage ratings of the switch determine this. Choose a switch with a switching capacity that exceeds the requirements of your application to ensure reliable and safe operation.   

              3. Terminal Types: Choose the appropriate terminal type for easy and secure wiring connections. Common terminal types include quick-connect terminals, screw terminals, solder terminals, and blade terminals. Consider the specific wiring needs of your application and select the terminal type that best suits your requirements. 

              4. Illumination Options: Select a switch with illumination options for enhanced visibility if required. Illuminated rocker switches feature built-in LEDs that visually indicate the switch’s status. This is particularly useful in low-light or dimly lit environments. 

              5. Actuator Styles: The actuator is the part of the rocker switch that is pressed or toggled to control the circuit. Choose an actuator style that provides comfortable and convenient operation. Common actuator styles include paddle, round, and square. Consider the ergonomics and user-friendly design of the actuator when making your selection. 

              Considering these application features, you can ensure your rocker switch is well-suited for your specific needs.  

              Elcom International, known for being a reliable rocker switch manufacturer, is trusted for its professionalism and adherence to high manufacturing standards. As one of the prominent rocker switch manufacturers in India, Elcom International excels in producing top-quality electrical components. With a strong emphasis on safety measures and compliance with industrial regulations, they have earned a reputation for reliability and excellence. Regarding rocker switches, Elcom International stands out among manufacturers, offering trustworthy solutions for various applications. Choose Elcom International, one of India’s most reliable and trusted rocker switch manufacturers, for your electrical component needs.

              What’s Special about Micro Switches: Explore the Advantages

              Micro switches, also known as snap-action or miniature switches, are tiny powerful devices widely used in various industries and applications. Micro switches generally function by using a small lever or actuator that moves a set of electrical contacts when pressure or force is applied, completing or interrupting the circuit to trigger a specific action. Despite their small size, micro switches offer numerous advantages that make them unique and highly desirable for many uses. Let’s explore the benefits of micro switches and why they are considered unique.

              When it comes to the selection of a micro switch for your project, there are several critical considerations to take into account. It is imperative to understand that micro switches are equipped with a diverse array of features that can significantly augment your project’s performance. However, if you need more familiarity with micro switches, discerning the most suitable type for your project may be challenging .

              As a leading micro switch manufacturer and supplier, Elcom International understands the importance of carefully selecting the right micro switch for your project. With a wide range of features designed to enhance performance, micro switches offer numerous technical advantages. Let’s explore the technical advantages of utilizing Micro Switches produced by ELCOM, which is one of the most prominent micro switch supplier:

              Precision and Accuracy: These switches are meticulously engineered with a well-defined actuation point, enabling them to toggle on or off at a specific position with minimal differential movement. This precise switching action guarantees reliable and consistent performance, making micro switches the perfect choice for applications that demand precise control, such as in medical devices, automotive systems, and industrial automation. 

              Quick and Reliable Switching: Micro switches are widely recognized for their reliable snap-action mechanism, enabling swift and precise switching upon actuation. This mechanism ensures that the switch establishes or interrupts contact promptly, resulting in a stable and dependable electrical connection. As a result, micro switches are highly suitable for applications that demand rapid and repetitive switching, such as vending machines, appliances, and gaming devices. Furthermore, the snap-action mechanism helps prevent contact bounce, ensuring a consistent and stable switching operation.

              Long Service Life: Micro switches are engineered to exhibit exceptional durability, making them highly reliable even in challenging environments. Micro switches boast a long service life and reliable performance. They are constructed with robust materials and designed to withstand harsh conditions, such as temperature fluctuations, moisture, and vibration. This makes them ideal for demanding applications in aerospace, defense, and automotive industries, where reliability is of utmost importance. The durable construction of micro switches also translates to minimal downtime and maintenance, resulting in reduced overall costs for businesses.

              Versatility: Micro switches are highly versatile in their application. They can be used in various industries and applications, making them adaptable to different requirements and specifications. Micro switches find applications in household appliances, automotive systems, industrial machinery, medical devices, HVAC systems, security systems, and consumer electronics. They can be easily integrated into various designs and configurations, making them popular among engineers and designers.

              Compact Size: Micro switches are characterized by their small and lightweight design, making them well-suited for applications with limited space or weight constraints. Their compact size allows for effortless installation in tight spaces or on printed circuit boards (PCBs), optimizing the use of available real estate and minimizing the overall system size. This makes micro switches ideal for portable devices, handheld tools, wearable devices, and other applications where size and weight are critical considerations.

              Reliable and Safe Operation: Micro switches are designed to ensure reliable and safe operation. They are typically designed with redundant contacts, providing multiple contact points for enhanced reliability. This makes micro switches highly resistant to wear and tear, ensuring long-term performance. Additionally, micro switches are designed to meet strict safety standards, making them reliable for applications that require a fail-safe operation, such as safety switches for elevators, escalators, and industrial equipment.

              Micro switches manufactured by Elcom International offer numerous advantages that make them trustworthy in the world of switches. As India’s leading micro switch manufacturers, our precision, quick and reliable switching, long service life, etc, make them an excellent choice for engineers and designers looking for reliable and high-performance switching solutions in various industries and applications. Trust Elcom International micro switches for superior performance and exceptional quality in your electrical component needs. 

              The Significance of Push Buttons in Modern Industries: Exploring Their Applications and Advantages.

              Push buttons are mechanical switches that are activated by pressing the button. They are widely used in industries for controlling a wide range of operations. Push buttons are designed to be easy to operate, reliable, and durable, making them suitable for use in diverse environments. 

              From manufacturing to aerospace, from medical to consumer electronics, push buttons have become integral to modern industries. These small devices, typically mounted on a panel, provide a simple yet efficient means of controlling various processes and systems. Being one of the leading electrical switch manufacturers in India, Elcom International recognizes the significance of push buttons in multiple industries. It has been at the forefront of providing cutting-edge push-button solutions for diverse applications.  

              Importance of Push Buttons in Various Industries 

              Push buttons are significant in modern industries, where precise control and efficient operation are critical. They are used in various applications, controlling various processes and systems. Push buttons are essential for their reliability, durability, and user-friendly operation in different industries. As one of the most prominent switch manufacturers in India, Elcom International understands the importance of carefully selecting the right push-button switch for your project. With many features designed to enhance performance, push button switches offer numerous technical advantages. Let’s explore the technical benefits of utilising Push Button Switches produced by ELCOM:

              1. Push Buttons in Manufacturing Industry

              In the manufacturing industry, push buttons are extensively used for controlling various machines and equipment. They are used in assembly, packaging, and production processes to start, stop, or pause operations. The advantages of using push buttons in manufacturing include precise control, quick response, and easy integration into automation systems.

              2. Push Buttons in Medical Industry   

              Push buttons play a vital role in the medical industry, where precise control and reliability are crucial for patient safety. Push buttons in the medical industry are designed to be hygienic, easy to clean, and resistant to chemicals and sterilization processes. The advantages of using push buttons in the medical industry include accurate control, easy customization, and enhanced patient safety. 

              3. Push Buttons in Electronics Industry   

              The electronics industry extensively uses push buttons for controlling various electronic devices and systems. They are used in consumer electronics, industrial control systems, and communication devices for power on/off, mode selection, and volume control. The advantages of using push buttons in the electronics industry include compact design, tactile feedback, and ease of integration into circuit boards.  

              4. Push Buttons in Aerospace Industry  

              Push buttons are essential in the aerospace industry, where precise control, reliability, and durability are critical for safe and efficient operations. The applications include cockpit controls, emergency control, communication devices, maintenance and repair.

              5. Automotive Industry 

              Push buttons play a crucial role in the automotive sector, providing drivers and passengers with control over various functions. In modern vehicles, you’ll find push buttons for functions such as starting the engine, adjusting climate control, operating power windows, and even initiating advanced driver assistance systems. These buttons enhance convenience, safety, and user experience within automobiles. 

              6. Energy Sector 

              The energy sector relies heavily on push buttons to control and monitor power generation, distribution, and transmission systems. From power plants to substations, these buttons are used to start and stop critical equipment, manage electrical grids, and respond to emergencies. The durability and reliability of push buttons are paramount in ensuring the continuous supply of electricity.

              7. Maritime Industry 

              Push buttons find their place in the maritime industry, both on commercial vessels and naval ships. They are used for navigation, controlling engine systems, managing communications equipment, and operating safety features such as lifeboat release mechanisms. Marine-grade push buttons are designed to withstand the harsh conditions of the open sea, including exposure to saltwater and extreme temperatures.

              8. Food and Beverage Industry 

              In the food and beverage industry, push buttons are essential for ensuring food safety and operational efficiency. They are used in food processing equipment to control machinery, regulate temperatures in ovens and refrigeration units, and activate cleaning cycles. Push buttons with robust, hygienic designs are preferred to meet the industry’s stringent requirements for cleanliness and reliability.

              At Elcom International, being the leading push button switches manufacturer in India, we make sure that our push button switches are an excellent choice for engineers and designers seeking reliable and high-performance switching solutions across various industries and applications. All the various products offered by Elcom International, to match their reputation of being the most trusted switch  manufacturers in India, adhere to global standards and are fully certified by the Restriction of hazardous substances (ROHS) Europe and Canadian Standards Association.  

              Trust Elcom International for exceptional quality and performance in all your electrical component needs. 

              Know the Four Fundamental Types of Electrical Switches Used in Industrial Applications 

              A switch is a device that allows the user to interrupt the flow of electricity as needed. It is a binary device that can either be completely on or off. In general terms, a switch is used to connect or break the flow of electricity in an electric circuit. The invention of the electrical switch has revolutionized the market on an industrial level. Elcom offers a range of electrical switches, and in this article, we’ll cover the four fundamental types of electrical switches used in industrial applications.

              1. Push Button Switch :

              A push button switch is a device that connects or breaks the flow of electricity in a circuit by simply pressing the button. Its structure is divided into the push unit, installation base, and contact module. Almost all push button switches function in the same way. When pressure is applied to the button, it exerts a downward force on the internal spring and contact, which touches the connections of the switch. This process either breaks or connects the circuit.
              Overusing the button can lead to retraction of the spring, thereby altering the status of the push button and potentially rendering it useless. The electrical switch manufacturers in india, like ELCOM, provide features like the knobs are available in different colors as some switches might hold some particular significant role in that respective device. Another feature that ELCOM offers is that it has various customized printing options available. If it has illuminating purposes, then It has light components as well.

              2. Micro Switch :

              Micro Switch, also known as a miniature switch, is an electric switch that requires minimum physical exertion to activate. Their production is minimal and has a long lifespan, almost up to millions of activations. They are susceptible in terms of activation, which makes them reliable as safety devices. Their well-known applications are fire alarms, emergency stop controls, emergency door releases, etc.  

              In most micro switches, the actuator presses against a small lever or roller that is connected to the switch contacts. When the actuator moves, the lever or roller moves with it and opens or closes the contacts While doing so, the circuit completes and allows the electric flow to pass through for the necessary action of the machinery. Micro Switches always make a ‘click’ sound after they are actuated. This informs the user of the tool about their activation. Microswitches have a versatile range of its uses. Micro Switches produced by ELCOM, one of the most prominent switch manufacturers with head office in Mumbai.

              3. Rotary Switch :

              Rotary Switches are known for their multifunctionality and are believed to be a great alternative to push-button switches. They are designed to rotate 360°, which helps regulate electric flow in the targeted circuits. The rotary switch is available in various shapes, sizes, and manufacturing materials. It’s working, and the applications are relatively simple to understand. The spindle in the switch rotates on its axis while making contact with the corresponding electrical terminals, activating one of the connected circuits. Due to rotary circuits, it is easier to connect several courses in one place and regulate the electric charge in each of them. ELCOM is one of the leading switch manufacturers in India that produces rotary switches with original features like push type n solder terminal options. 

              Some of the advantages of the rotary switch are: 

              • The rotary switch can stop or interrupt the electric flow in the circuit at various positions.  
              • This switch is designed to operate multiple contacts using the same switch position.  
              • The actuator of a rotary switch can turn on or off depending on the multiple contact position and allows activation for every contact. 

              4. Rocker Switch :

              A rocker switch is a device in which one end of the button is raised, and the other goes down when pressure is applied on either of the two ends. The motion in this situation resembles how the seesaw works. This switch also works in a binary format where one side of the button activates the circuit, and the other side breaks the electric flow. Rocker switches are widely used in household appliances. If you are for switch socket manufacturers in India that produce premium quality, ELCOM always delivers the quality it claims.

              Rocker Switches have advantages that make them the best choice for switches to use in household appliances: 

              • Less pressure is needed to operate it. 
              • It doesn’t make any noise while using it 
              • These switches are available with icons that make them user friendly 
              • They have longer lifespan compared to other types of switches

              Various types of electrical switches are available in the market with versatile usage. The regulators mentioned in this blog are the fundamental ones used in most appliances that professionals and the everyday public use. ELCOM has mastered expertise in manufacturing these components. They are an organisation that complies with the safety measures per industrial standards. ELCOM has always successfully delivered customised features as per requirement, which has a promising usage ability and guaranteed durability. The electrical switches manufactured by them are known to be user-friendly, safety assured, and have a long-life operation wise. 

              Benefits of installing high-quality electrical switches in your equipment

              The importance of using high-quality electrical switches in any equipment is never overstated. As one of the most significant components that play a critical role in controlling the flow of electricity, the switches are responsible for ensuring equipment’s safe and efficient operation. Offering top-quality electrical switches catering to a range of requirements, switch socket manufacturers have come a long way in terms of quality, technology, and efficiency. Exploring a few benefits of installing high-quality electrical switches in equipment, here is how they can improve overall safety performance and reliability. 

              Improved safety:

              One of the key benefits of using high-quality electrical switches is overall improved safety. The electrical switch manufacturers in India have incorporated designs that help with durability and reliability in mind, which eventually helps reduce the risk of electrical accidents and injuries. Neglecting the quality of switches can lead to electrical accidents with severe consequences that include injury or death, damage to equipment, along with costly repairs or replacements. Choosing high-quality switches ensures that the equipment is safe for use and minimizes the risk of electrical accidents. 

              Enhanced performance: 

              In addition to improved safety, high-quality electrical switches also enhance the performance of equipment. These switches are often more responsive and efficient than lower-quality options, which help improve the overall performance of the equipment. For instance, if you’re using a switch to control the flow of electricity to a motor, a high-quality switch can provide more precise control, resulting in better performance from the motor. This is especially important in applications where precise control is necessary, such as manufacturing processes or medical equipment.

              Longer lifespan: 

              Another advantage of using high-quality electrical switches is their longer lifespan. These switches are less prone to failure or the need for frequent maintenance, which can help extend the lifespan of your equipment. This is especially important in critical applications or environments where downtime is not an option. Unplanned downtime can be costly in terms of lost productivity, repair costs, and lost revenue. High-quality switches can help ensure that your equipment is always operational and minimize the risk of unplanned downtime.

              Reduced maintenance costs: 

              In addition to a longer lifespan, high-quality electrical switches can help reduce maintenance costs. These switches are less likely to fail or require maintenance, which helps reduce the overall cost of maintaining your equipment and repair and replacement. This is especially valuable in applications where maintenance costs comprise a vast portion of the general operating budget. Using high-quality switches helps reduce maintenance frequency and extends the intervals between maintenance periods, which eventually helps save money over the long run.

              Improved reliability: 

              Improved reliability is another benefit of using high-quality electrical switches. The switches by socket switch manufacturers are designed to be dependable and consistent, which helps improve your equipment’s overall reliability. This is especially important in critical applications or environments where downtime is not an option. Reliable equipment is essential for maintaining productivity and meeting customer demands. Using high-quality switches ensures that the equipment is always operational and minimizes the risk of unplanned downtime. 

              Enhanced control:

              High-quality electrical switches equipped with the latest technology provide enhanced control and precision. These switches are often more precise, highly efficient, and responsive than lower-quality options, making their applications ideal where precise control is necessary. For instance, if you’re using a switch to control the flow of electricity to a valve, a high-quality switch will provide more precise control, resulting in better performance from the valve. This proves highly effective in processes where even slight deviations from the desired result can have significant consequences.

              In a nutshell, the benefits of using high-quality electrical switches in equipment are numerous. However, it is also important to source the switches from reliable socket switch manufacturers. This ensures utmost safety, enhanced performance, extended lifespan of equipment, reduced maintenance costs, improved reliability, and enhanced control with precision. By sourcing the components from top electrical switch manufacturers in India, you can rest assured of the best solutions for the equipment. A reliable manufacturer not only guarantees quality but also ensures safety and result oriented approach worth the value. 

              As one of the leading electric switch manufacturers in Mumbai, India; Elcom International has emerged as a pioneer in manufacturing and offering quality switches backed by top technology and advanced solutions. As one of the leading socket switch manufacturers, Elcom International makes a range of highly efficient and effective electric switch solutions ideal for various requirements across industries and sectors. Committed to producing high-quality electric switches available, a team of experts and experienced professionals ensure that the solutions are manufactured adhering to the necessary industry standards and quality guidelines and comply with health, safety, and environmental protection standards. Designed with precision to suit personalized requirements, electrical switches by Elcom International comply with industrial standards and assure enhanced safety, long operational life, and robust functionality.

              Micro Switches: Frequently Asked Questions

              Microswitches are a great way to control your electronic equipment. They’re inexpensive, easy to install, convenient to use, and can be used indoors or outdoors. Microswitches come in many shapes and sizes and can be easily integrated into any project. Emerging as one of the essential parts of the sensing and control community of various fields, trillions of microswitches are used across industries. Thus, it is crucial to know the basics about them and understand the working dynamics of microswitches, their manufacturing, applications, and essential features. In this blog, we have covered frequently asked questions regarding micro switches to help you understand the working process of devices, along with giving an insight into their functions and applications. 

              What is a micro switch?

              A microswitch is a device that changes the state of an electrical circuit when applied pressure. A small, sensitive switch starts working even when minimum physical force is used. The size of the switch is determined by how much energy it can withstand, which limits its ability to move from one position or state to another. The switches are widely used in the industrial sector, medical instruments, and automotive industry due to their feature to sense actions. Microswitches are also used in home appliances like washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioning units, microwave ovens, computer systems, and emergency control equipment.

              What are the advantages of using microswitches?

              Microswitches are smaller than other switches, making them convenient to use. Microswitches are more durable and reliable than different types of switches. They’re also compact, making them ideal for applications where space is at a premium and cost-effectiveness is essential. Microswitches are also preferred for high-frequency switching applications because of their reliability, accuracy, high performance, and durability.

              How do microswitches work?

              Microswitches are a switch that allows you to control the flow of electricity in a circuit. Microswitches work based on the terminals and actuators used in their system. Actuators are significant components of micro switches, ideally responsible for their functioning as electric switches. These actuators are reliable for converting energy into motion. Since the type of actuator depends on the device it is meant to be used on, it could be in any form, leveler, button, etc. 

              What causes microswitches to fail? What affects the functioning of microswitches?

              There are several reasons why microswitches can fail. The most common is an electro-mechanical failure, which occurs when the switch’s contacts become worn down by heat, moisture, and other factors. Electrical failures also happen if too much current flows through a circuit that uses microswitches in its design. Wear and tear are another reason for electrical shortcomings, where the contacts can be torn open by debris or dust particles that get into them over time. Environmental factors such as temperature changes also affect how well your switches work; if you keep them somewhere hot or cold, their performance will eventually diminish accordingly.

              Are microswitches long-lasting? When is the time to replace a micro switch? 

              Microswitches are durable and reliable. They can be used in all environments, including harsh weather and high-pressure situations. As most common usage, microswitches are generally preferred as actuators in circuits or devices requiring a mechanical switch. For a time when it is essential to pick the type of switch that lasts for many years without causing hassle and with negligible maintenance, Microswitches are the right choice. However, if the switch is broken or has ceased to function correctly, this could be a sign that directs replacement. Apart from that, it is also better to change or replace the switch every couple of years to ensure the smooth functioning of electronic appliances.

              Can microswitches be used outdoors?

              IP (Ingress Protection) Grade Microswitches can be used outdoors and are water and dust-resistant. These switches are designed to operate in a specific way that withstands harsh weather conditions where their performance depends on the ambient temperature and humidity levels.

              However, if you want to use microswitches for outdoor applications, you should ensure that these switches are protected from water by sealing them in an appropriate case or box that will protect them from becoming wet when exposed to rain or other liquids. You may also want to consider using a switch with an IP rating so that it can withstand being splashed with cold or hot liquid without damage occurring; this means there’s no need for additional protection.

              Uses and applications of Micro Switch 

              Microswitches are an excellent solution for your electronic needs. They can be used in many applications, including:

              ● Home automation systems
              ● Medical devices and appliances
              ● Emergency controls
              ● Industrial areas
              ● Control and limit switches
              ● Jam detectors in vending machines
              ● Open-close position detectors of the valve

              Microswitches are reliable and durable, making them ideal for use in harsh environments like industrial applications or military equipment. These benefits make microswitches an excellent choice for any business that requires a high performance but low maintenance. In addition to their exceptional durability, micro switches have some other features that make them popular among consumers. They’re easy to install and replace when they break down or become unusable; they’re affordable compared with different electronic components and require no additional maintenance beyond cleaning occasionally.

              About Elcom: 

              Elcom International is one of the most reliable electrical switch manufacturers in India. As one of the most acclaimed micro switch manufacturers in India, Elcom International is emerging as a micro switch supplier across India. Employing advanced engineering techniques, years of extensive experience, and specialized knowledge, Elcom International is making reliable, efficient, and long-lasting electronic equipment’s. Making top-quality micro switches available, Elcom International adheres to industry standards and provides iso-certified products and processes. Catering with high-grade micro switches accessible, Elcom international is moving towards a greener economy and making sustainable energy accessible for large-scale commercial industries to small industries functioning on new-age renewable power.

              What are the different electrical switches that are most commonly used in India?


              Today, it is harder to imagine a world without electrical switches. You can’t even perform basic electrical functions without electrical switches. All electrical equipment we consistently utilize and rely upon in our day-to-day life becomes useless without an electrical switch. 

              Electrical switches are the medium for user interaction with electrical appliances and devices in the most human way possible. The role of an electrical switch is to make or break the flow of electrical connectivity in the electronic circuit automatically or manually. 

              Electrical switch manufacturers in India produce different types of electrical switches based on varied market needs and evolving industry demands. Still, the core principle of a switch solely depends on the ON/ OFF mechanism – hasn’t changed for centuries. 

              Before purchasing from a Switches manufacturer in India, refer to this compressive collection of different types of electrical switches and their applications that can help you determine the appropriate electrical switches for your needs.

              1. Wall Switches

              Wall switches are mechanical switches manufactured by Electrical switch manufacturers in India and specifically designed to operate online voltage because they are most preferred in large-scale commercial settings and residential buildings for lighting control purposes.

              Wall switches offer useful specifications such as combination device function, actuator type specification, dimmer switch control function, fan speed control function, and even time-based switching function. 

              2. Modular Touch switches

              Modular touch switches are different from switches with traditional designs. Modular touch switches ensure user comfort with a fantastic aesthetic appeal which is indeed impactful. They are extensively manufactured by the Switch manufacturers in Mumbai.

              They are considered to be one of the most preferred types of switches for smart homes appliances because of their ability to control numerous electrical and electronic appliances with just one touch command.

              3. Push-button switches

              Push-button switches are hand-operated electromechanical switches. The Switches manufacturer in India manufactures push switches in a variety of shapes and structures exclusively for manually controlled devices and for switching control circuits design purposes.  Push-button switches are extensively used in industrial control panels and control system circuits. 

              4. Toggle switches

              Toggle switches are mostly used in instrumentation devices and electronics panels because such panels require a complex circuit of switching functions which can be seen in switchboards. Toggle switches are actuated by a small lever that is pushed along a small arc. The back-and-forth lever movement – opens and closes the electrical circuit respectively.  

              The single-pole electric switch is manufactured by the Electrical switch manufacturers in India with additive key specifications such as single throw switching function, double-throw switching functions, 1 axis configuration, 2 axis configuration, 3 axis configuration, and even joystick toggle (Omni-directional) configuration.

              5. Dimmer switches

              The flow of electricity across the home-based lighting sources can effectively be controlled by Dimmer switches. They are known to save up to 98 percent of your electricity or electrical energy as well as hugely reduce your electricity bill expense.

              Dimmer switches are manufactured by the Switches manufacturer in India in such a way that they are equipped with the ability to adjust and control the voltage capacity of a lighting system which helps you turn the light in varying contrast based on the requirement. 


              We are specialized Electrical switch manufacturers in India. With the help of our state-of-art manufacturing infrastructure, we can manufacture high-quality switches of different shapes, standard sizes, and vibrant shades with both standard and custom symbols on the actuator with assured enhanced safety, robust functionality, and long operational life. 

              Our compatible switches can be conveniently terminated on SMT, PCB pins, solder lugs, and quick-connect tabs as well as the sensible design of switches help conserve mounting spaces and bring down the overall system cost, eventually making devices cost-effective without deteriorating the reliable performance of switches.

              Elcom, a Switches manufacturer in India, offers a diverse range of electrical switches such as thumbwheel switch, rotary switch, rocker switch, push coder switch, push-button switch, micro switch, and key lock switch – which are exclusively manufactured for large-scale industries such as the medical electronics industry, industrial electronics industry, transportation industry, telecommunications industry, and consumer electronics industry. 

              Elcom International is one of the reliable Switch manufacturers in Mumbai that offers smart electronic and advanced electromechanical components in the Indian and global market for a diverse range of industries that are extensively used for large-scale commercial, industrial manufacturing, and renewable energy application purposes.